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Showing posts from October, 2017

Let's talk about fundraising raffles, lotteries and ballots in Northern Ireland

I have always thought it unusual that in a place were almost every 7 out of 10 people play National Lottery, buy scratchcards or otherwise gamble that the fundraising income from ballots, lotteries and raffles to good causes in Northern Ireland is so apparently low. In Great Britain millions of pounds are raised for charities, not even counting the National Lottery, through small scale, local society lotteries offering people both the chance of supporting charity and of winning a modest prize. Yet - according to local councils across the country there are relatively very few registered society lotteries  in Northern Ireland - as is required by law for a publicly sold game of chance other than at an exempt entertainment such as a gala dinner or school fete. And yet - again also contrary to almost every day experience there are lots of opportunities to buy a raffle, ballot or lottery ticket for a sports club or charity prize draw. The further I looked, the more concerned I have bec